
In this webinar, you will hear from industry leaders and policy experts to talk about

  • How restoring tax-free shopping will create growth opportunities for the whole UK
  • A new shopping-led tourism EU market worth 10bn created if it is extended to EU residents
  • How you can support to persuade the Government to revise the policy.
  • Dee Corsi - Chair/CEO - AIR/New West End Company
  • Bill Addy - CEO - Liverpool BID Company
  • Daniel Platt - Public Affairs Lead - Heathrow Airport
  • Joss Croft - CEO - UKInbound 
  • Paul Barnes - CEO - AIR

04:54-12:32  Tax-free shopping is vital to visitor economy in regional UK

  • Tax-free shopping encourages visitor spending in Liverpool

12:32-21:12 Opportunities for airside

  • The impact of the absence of TFS on retail sales, investments and curation in airports 
  • The new EU market could be hugely beneficial for airports across the country
  • A huge increase in sales of alcohol and tobacco to EU visitors has been seen since they were duty-free to EU visitors 

21:12-26:54 Shopping is key to all internatioinal travellers 

  • The importance of the European market to the UK tourism sector and regional UK
  • How shopping affect visitors’ perceptions of the UK and their decisions to spend

26:53 - 43:14 The campaign update and the next steps

  • The loss in retail sales and other opportunities for the UK economy
  • The campaign strategy for the run-up to the Spring Budget
  • Prepare for the new EU market if EU residents could shop tax-free

39:41- 41:10 Bring back tax-free shopping together

  • How to make your submission and put more pressure on the government

43:14 Q&A

  • What would be the next step if tax-free shopping is restored in the Spring Budget
  • What is Labour’s position on the policy
  • Why has tax-free shopping become important to the whole country
  • What are the knock-on impactss on hospitality, leisure, and capital spending