AIR secured a Parliamentary business debate on tax-free shopping

for the first time on Parliamentary record, a Treasury minister published the details of the Treasury’s arguments for ending tax-free shopping. 

Secured by AIR and Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown MP, the recent Parliamentary Debate has given valuable new momentum to our campaign to restore #taxfreeshopping .

While we were not expecting any new announcement from the Treasury at this stage, what we did get, for the first time on Parliamentary record, were the details of the Treasury’s arguments for ending tax-free shopping. Sir Geoffrey informed the Treasury Minister that he would work with industry to give a point-by-point response to the Treasury. 

Sir Geoffrey has asked AIR to produce this response. We will include arguments against the Treasury’s case backed by real data that we have been gathering in response to the government’s call for evidence on the impact of ending tax-free shopping.

You can read the debate in Hansard.

and watch it on Parliament TV (starting from 15:00)

Learn more about our campaign by contacting CEO Paul Barnes at

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